Why You Should Create a Bible Study Journal

Why You Should Create a Bible Study Journal

The question in the title of this blog begs another question- "Why should we study the Bible?"  Revelation. Revelation. Revelation.  It's to satisfy the most prominent longing of every Christian- to know Him more.  Revelation is that aha! moment where God reveals a nugget of wisdom to you.  It's that puzzle piece that is found when you, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit meet in that special secret place, found in your quiet time spent in God's Word.  You know, the Bible says that Jesus is the Word!-(John 1)  So when we read the Bible we are ingesting Jesus into our spirit.

The Bible is not something that even the most mature believer just drinks in big gulps.  No, its to be chewed on, little by little and slowly.  We are to meditate on the scriptures and digest them carefully.  Because the Bible is living (Heb 4:12), it is to be treated with care- read in context and with prayer.  Ultimately the Christian's intention is to reflect the Word in his/her conduct.

All of this could be intimidating.  For many the challenge starts with 1. establishing a routine to devote to studying the Bible.  2. Another challenge lies in understanding the Bible.  3. Then there's the struggle with memorizing or remembering the scriptures.  Following and in result of these problems are the most dire problem for the believer- 4. Applying the scriptures and 5. Sharing their faith. 

Creating a Bible Study Journal can help resolve these challenges!


Having a physical prompt, such as a journal, to remind you to maintain your set routine can be very helpful.  And if you could be a part of a study group that journals together that can help keep you accountable to your dedication to studying the scriptures.  And honestly, friend, praying and confessing to God that you have struggled to set aside time for His word and asking Him to help you with this is the greatest strategy.  I always think about the believers who live in persecuted nations where the Bible is treasured because it is illegal to possess one.  God's word is so valuable and it's a shame and tragedy for it to collect dust on your book shelf!


 Writing down scripture is a sure way to "chew on" God's Word.  Sometimes just reading can cause us to gloss over too quickly and miss something.  When using a Bible Study Journal, such as one found here NewDay2/BibleStudyJournal-paperback, we are using what our teachers taught us all through our education- taking notes.  When we write out the scriptures we are as slow as our pen is, which helps with digesting the scripture and drawing more meaning from what God wants to show us.  Add writing out alternate versions and cross-references, and you're sure to start to connect the dots which results in deeper understanding (and knowing Him more and who you are in Him).  Then you turn up the notch and add word study!  In this Journal that we've created, titled "Sword of the Spirit, Bible Study Journal" we show you how to use a lexicon to deepen in even further your understanding by looking at words and phrases in their original language.  Word study can clarify and deepen God's truth, and cause you to appreciate it more.  You know, God said to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Using the brain that God gave us is such a blessing!


In a Bible Study Journal you will continue to utilize, again, what our school teachers taught us when we were to memorize something.  Repetitious writing! Not only does writing out the scriptures help with understanding, but also memorization.  And to turn up the dial on memorization our Journal prompts you to sketch, draw, paste a picture, or a sticker to further embed this intimate meeting with you and the Lord and what His word is saying into your memory bank. 

 Friends can I tell you something?  If you study the scriptures intentionally as this Journal prompts you to, you are guaranteed to 1. Put God and His Word as a priority. 2.Understand the hidden secrets of the Bible (which are available to all, but like the Father invites us to, we must seek Him on purpose and with intention).  3. Memorize the scriptures.  His Word will be written on your heart and you will be able to draw from that well in times of need.  All of this will point toward knowing Him, which Jesus said is eternal life- "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" -John 17:3.  As we grow in knowledge of Him, we simultaneously begin to 4. Reflect the Word in our life (being doers of the Word- James 1:22) and apply the wisdom we discover.  This will also inevitably lead to solving problem number 5. Sharing the treasure of God's truth with others!

If you would like to purchase our Bible Study Journal, "Sword of the Spirit" you may do so here: NewDay2/BibleStudyJournal-paperback or for hardcover go here: NewDay2/BibleStudyJournal-hardcover

And if you would like to be a part of an online community of believers who Journal the scriptures, fellowship, study the Bible, and share the treasure we find in the Bible you may join our Facebook group here: Biblical Journaling. Studying the Word. Evangelism. Journaling the Journey.



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