Full With Joy

Full With Joy


I was thinking about my children's different pleasure responses to different behaviors and I found it very interesting. When they do something behind my back, like sneak a cookie they may have satisfied an immediate gratification for something they just couldn't wait for. Often, though, that feeling of immediate pleasure is quick to flee and they may feel bad and confess their sneakiness. Other times if they throw a fit for something and then get their way (I know I'm bad for occasionally giving in to their tantrums), there's often a sense of satisfaction, but underneath that satisfaction they realize they shouldn't have acted like that to get their way. But when they do something in obedience to me, there's a deeper response that I perceive in them. Its a lasting feeling that causes them to hold their head up high, knowing that they obeyed their mother, and in turn their Lord. That response they have to obeying me is joy.

In John 15:11 Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that you joy may be full." But what things had Jesus spoken? Well in verse 10 Jesus says "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in my Love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His Love." and in verse 12 Jesus tells us what His commandment is. He said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." So as we obey Jesus and love one another, we, like my obeying children experience joy.

And it's not just any joy. Its His joy (did you catch that in verse 11)? Have you experienced His joy that comes from obeying the Lord? It's unlike any other kind of fleeing pleasure. The Bible says that sin has its pleasure for a season, but that it's passing (Heb 11:25). And thank God that when we do stumble and sin, that we have forgiveness. And there is true joy when are sins are forgiven.

God Bless

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