The Ultimate Pardon

The Ultimate Pardon

"For judgement I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind" (John 9:39 emphasis added). 

Saul was a Pharisee of Pharisee.  He was so determined and zealous in his "vision" against Christians that Jesus used His fantastic Light to blind him.  It was necessary to blind him to show him he has been blind all along.  Now that Saul could not see (physically), he could see (spiritually).  In John 9:41 the Pharisees asked Him, "Are we blind also?"  Jesus responded to them by saying, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, 'We see.'  Therefore your sin remains."

Many remain blind of their spiritual condition.  

Imagine the following scene: You've committed a heinous crime and you stand guilty before the judge.  But just before the judge gave you an overwhelming sentence, one stands up and pays your fine, satisfying the demands of justice.  You would most likely run to the individual who sacrificed for your freedom and with gratitude in your eyes you would thank him and hug him.  But imagine someone who stood firm before the gavel of the judge and instead of accepting the stranger's gift which would result in their pardon, instead decided, in pride, to demand they're innocence, and claim that their punishment is not warranted, though, deep down they know they're guilty.  Instead of looking at the one who was willing to pay for their fine with gratitude they look at him with contempt because he had the ability and provision to cover the debt of their crime and they didn't.  Siff in neck, they snub their nose and in self-deception believe they can somehow atone and pay for their crime and give themselves justification.  

So it is with those who reject Jesus.  We've sinned (all know this), and Jesus paid our fine.  But if we reject this free gift, then punishment awaits, for God is a good Judge and cannot turn a blind eye to sin, just as we wouldn't expect a good judge to turn a blind eye to crime.  For many, Jesus is a stumbling stone and an offense.  They're offended because He reveals to them that they are a sinner in need of a Savior.  Many don't want a Savior because they don't think they need saving.  So instead of receiving His pardon, forgiveness, and eternal life, and living a lifetime of gratitude towards Him, they look at Jesus with contempt, not to mention His followers.  

But any who humble themselves, confess they're a sinner, repent and accept by faith that Jesus stood in their place as God poured out His wrath upon the innocent Man Jesus, who satisfied the demands of justice, then you may walk out of God's courtroom, fully pardoned, and forgiven. 

Jesus is the light of the world.  I pray that His light would shine into your and your loved one's life and reveal the spiritual blindness so that you may humble yourself, repent, and trust the Savior, and see.  Like Saul, you will never be the same again.  You will step out of darkness into light, out of death into life.





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