Teach a Child in the Way he Should Go

Today I had one of the worst experiences of my life as a mother.  I took my three kids to a rather large park where there was a lot of people.  Of course, the minute I took my eyes off my three year old she disappeared.  For the longest 4 minutes of my life, I couldn't find her.  I searched in desperation all around the park, but I could not see her distinctive white and blue striped dress with a pink heart anywhere!  I called out to God, "help! Please Lord help!"  With dozens of thoughts running through my head I felt my body go weak.  I thought about how I would never see her again or sleep with her in my bed.  I thought about some weirdo kidnapping her and doing only God knows what.  I thought about how nothing else in the world mattered right now.  All of my goals were nothing if I couldn't have my baby anymore.  Completely panicking I dialed 911 on my phone and just when I was about to press send, I looked up and there she was with my husband at the edge of the park.  I ran to her and began to sob.  Not caring what anyone thought, my heart was overwhelmed with dissipating fear and gratitude. I grabbed Christiannah and thanked God.  My worst fear was not coming true.  My baby was back in my arms. Thank You Jesus! 

This whole ordeal got me thinking how important my children are.  The rest of this afternoon sobering perspective has filled my view.  All my endeavors, goals, and ambitions in regard to this fleeing world mean nothing if my children are not safe here on earth but even more importantly eternally.  I thought about how as a Christian mother my job is to do all that I can to make sure my children are saved and have their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  Solomon, who was facing the great task and responsibility of shepherding God's chosen people, was asked by God to give him anything his heart desired.  Solomon chose to ask God to give him wisdom to lead the great nation of Israel.  May we desire more than anything that our children be saved. May we want this more than them receiving a great education, prestige in a career, friendships and relationships, even health.  May our kids know and trust in the Lord.

Some tangible ways we can accomplish this is to teach our children from an early age to pray.  Teach them to make God their refuge so that when you're not around they know Who to turn to, and not to the world.    Teach them to value God's word.  If they see you reading your word, they will value it.  Do daily devotions together.  Don't schedule something every day.  Teach them to have a sabbath (day of rest).  (I don't sign my kids up for any sport that falls on a Sunday.)  Teach them the gospel and stand amazed at how children can easily understand it (more so than adults sometimes).  Show them God's law. Take them through the ten commandments and ask them if they have ever lied, dishonored mommy and daddy, or stolen, etc.  Teach them that they are sinners and allow them to recognize their need for a Savior.  

The greatest thing we can do as parents is to lead our kids to the Door, to the everlasting Way- Jesus Christ.  

Lord, give us wisdom to take care of our children both on this earth in physical ways, but especially to lead them in Your way and direct them to Your cross and salvation.









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